Dartmoor Gliding News–Wednesday 16th April 2014

Wall-to-wall sunshine and a crosswind from the southeast (which decreased in strength as the day went on) raised everyone's expectations that wave may have been on the cards - and if not wave, some thermal activity. This resulted in a healthy turnout of enthusiasts who set up the field early and whose mood became increasingly positive as the results of the recent airfield surface smoothing operations made themselves felt.

Steve Raine waiting to fly his Astir in the clear blue sunshine
The wave never really happened, but later on there were some strong 'blue' thermals, which brought smiles to the faces of several pilots and trainees who flew with me in the K13, and the members of the Twin Astir syndicate who were getting back in the groove as the big white bird emerged from hibernation (and its annual inspection). Steve Raine and 'Scratch' Hitchen seemed to enjoy themselves in their Astir, while Karl Andrews - faced with little in the way of opposition - glued himself into the K8 for several launches; in the process contributing handsomely to club coffers.

Today's launch queue
Again full marks for those who arrived early and got the show on the road, and especially to 'Scratch' and Robin Wilson who delivered some fantastic launches. I should also like to thank Steve Lewis who, when not welcoming visitors and conducting trial lessons, ran the launch point with energy and hood humour

"Scratch" with young Freddie
Today our average age of attendees was reduced by the presence of Mark Hardwick aged 15 (son of Phil) and Freddie Fricker aged 12 (grandson of yours truly). Both worked hard, and were rewarded with a flight at the end of the day.

Mark waiting to go in the back seat of the Twin Astir
Visitor-wise, Sue Rowe from Lydford came along with her husband  for a trial lesson, and it was good to have one day course candidate Angela  Banfield back with us expressing enthusiasm for becoming a full flying member. Shortly before we shut up shop, we were honoured with a visit from Sue Watt  (John Bolt's daughter) and her husband Colin (Chief Flying Instructor - and my boss - from Lasham).

Visitor Sue Rowe
After an absence of several months, it was really great having Dave Bourchier back 'on line' casting his expert eye over our ground equipment and facilities, and we are grateful to Martin Broadway for responding to Rick Wiles's request for help and spending several hours preparing and repainting components of the Guslaunch winch.

Angela Banfield in  the K13

Bob Pirie

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