Wednesday 10 June 2010

The forecast for today did not look promising which is probably why the club was fairly quiet today.

This is a pity because the day was perfect for training, bronze tests etc. with a little challenging soaring to amuse the solo pilots.

David Rippon was working hard on completing his General Flying Test for his bronze which also occupied the pilots on the ground trying to guess which exercise was next. Bob and Martin were in training mode throughout the day.

The real story of the day though was the amount of work going on around the site. Tony worked the whole day on the mower repairs assisted by Bob. Dave, Phil and Steve completed urgent fencing repairs. Martin and John were working on the K6 & K8 repairs. Dave and Martin planned and started refurbishing the ML winch guillotines which they are confident will be completed before Saturday. Dave built up some new strops etc etc etc. The full list of work undertaken was quite astonishing.

If you think from the above that there must be several members called Martin, this is in fact one man who has an endless capacity and enthusiasm for work around the club.

Thanks to everyone for their efforts.


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