Dartmoor Gliding News-Sunday 27th December 2020

Although the airfield was not flyable today - with passing wintry showers and the ground very boggy in parts it simply wasn’t safe - members will be pleased to hear that the drains were working overtime and that the hangar was notably dry and free from ingress.  

 ‘You will be pleased to hear…

…that the drains were working overtime’.
Had you have been here you would have been able to discover if the crock of gold at the end of the rainbow was indeed to be found in the old launchpoint.  But as you weren’t, here’s a clue: the Instructors went away as penniless as ever…(>sob!<)  

: Wintry shower scampering over Nattor Down.
Was there a crock of gold to be found in the launchpoint?

Wishing you all a Happy and Peaceful New Year.

Martin Cropper

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