Wednesday 28th April 2010

Well done and a big thank you to all who got the equipment out and ready to go by the time I arrived - and who got the 'new' west end launch point set up. Also to Ged and David J., who helped to ease the instructional workload.

The combination of the new airfield layout and the persistent southerly crosswind presented a few challenges and most pilots 'gave it a go', although some very sensibly preferred to have an instructor in the back.

Newcomers to our ranks this Wednesday were Richard Morgan (our new Fixed Price to Solo member) and Sue Smith, whom we're trying to convince to make gliders her 'odds on' favourite, rather than horses.Welcome to you both!

As I left the airfield I couldn't help but notice the very smart club open trailer which is nearing the end of a major refurbishment by Martin Smith and others.

I'll be away for the next three Wednesdays, but know that Don will ensure a seamless transition.

Bob Pirie

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