Sunday 24th April 2011

The club was clouded in until 1200 (Which enabled Mike Keller and myself to unravel the ‘snake’s wedding’ that resulted from Alan Ballard’s ‘straightforward’ insertion of 30m cable when the cable bobbin broke up in his hand!
How many glider pilots does it take to sort out 30 metres of cable?

When the cloud lifted the wind was due north, 10-15mph steady. We launched from the E end and I flew two flights with Alan Mullin (from Ivybridge). I concluded my flying day with a flight in Ka-6E G-DDVH in which I managed to climb in a weak thermal over the railway line to the N, finishing with 4 x ridge runs (at 450ft!) before hangar landing with 15 minutes flying time.

Best effort of the day was Scratch who managed 31 minutes in the weak conditions.

Many thanks to Chris and Karon who worked hard pressure washing the hangar floor.

The day concluded with a BBQ and more discussions on how to cook a parrot or to be more precise how to cook Sandra’s parrot.
DGS parrot cooking experts?

Martin Cropper

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