The day started wet and miserable as per forecast, but by the time we had our cooked breakfast it started looking better and we got DMX out. Flying list started with Marta, Shrek, Vic and Roger. Sandra and Allan ran the lunch point and I did the winching (under skilful guidance of Alan Ballard) - great fun and improves one's appreciation of winching process as a pilot.
Don was joined by visiting instructor Mike Sloggett - who flew BVB with some air ex visitors.
DMX being made ready while Don briefs the pilots on the difficult weather conditions. |
Despite challenging weather - showers and strong SW/S wind requiring proper lay-off on launch and making for interesting circuits, we have managed 19 launches, with (at times) everybody having to wait and take cover, to let heavy showers pass.
There was even some soaring done!
Chris Kaminski
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