Wednesday 2nd November 2011

No sooner had a contributor to the Glider Pilot Net website singled out Dartmoor Gliding Society as one of a handful of clubs with lively and upbeat Blogs to brighten up the winter, than everything seemed to go to pieces with very little airborne activity last Sunday and no flying whatsoever today due solely to the weather

True to his word, we found that Chris Kaminski had arranged for Alan Carter to come in and fit a service-exchange release mechanism to K7/13 BVB ( 85 mile round trip thanks Alan ), with John Bolt following hot on his heels to inspect it and sign it off. But this morning's hopes of a brief if breezy improvement in the weather were dashed, despite the team's act of faith in getting a two-seater to the launch point and the ML winch warmed up and ready to go.The wind increased and the forecast rain arrived early, so it was back to the hangar and then the clubhouse, where the woodburner was working flat out.

Training-wise, Steve Raine hopefully benefited from a one-on-one briefing on winch launches and launch failures, after which he joined Chairman Steve, John Howe and Jeff Craggs in attempting some cross-country flying in the simulator. At various times during the day we were graced with the presence of first one and then the other of our Field Treasurers (David Rippon and Robin Wilson) - both looking rather crestfallen at the lack of launching and flying fees being generated.

Meanwhile the day's work programme undertaken by Phil Hardwick, John Bolt and Ged Nevisky included collecting coils of old winch cable from the north side boundary ready for the 'scrappy', grappling with the quad bike's ailing electrics and making both tractors 'fitter for purpose' than they have been of late. The "little 'un" now has a new battery and starts 'on the button', while thanks to Phil and John's wizardry (with hammer and WD40?), the "big 'un" now has 16 gears instead of the eight which we've lived with for so long.

Bob Pirie

After flying on Saturday 5th November there will be Bangers 'n' Mash in the clubhouse for just £2.50. All profit going to the Club tea swindle. Family and friends welcome. Please let Sandra know asap via email so that enough food can be prepared.


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