Sunday 4th December 2011

From 72 hours prior to the weekend there was the potential that a weak ridge might allow flying on Sunday. And on the day there was sufficient optimism and attendance to convert potential into reality. With the Met Office confidently predicting a Westerly 20kts conditions on site were, of course, Southerly at 7.

David Jesty kicked proceedings into action and Roger Applebloom was able to benefit from not 3, 4 or 5 but 8 (yes, 8) launches which included launch failures high, launch failures low, launch failures as part of the flight and, finally, as the wind became more Westerly, spins.

With time to spare he was all ‘launch failured’ out and we gave the K-13 a thoroughly well deserved wash down (on the outside, not inside!) before returning it to the hangar.

Yes, the field was very wet and, yes, we did need to manoeuvre the glider and quad on the track at all times but, with a lifting cloudbase and willing crew Roger was able to make some significant steps towards going solo. It could have been you.

Thanks go to Allan Ballard for his tireless winching.

Martin Cropper

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