Wednesday 28th November 2012

At last a break in the rain. Occasional cloud, a strong northerly wind and it was COLD.

The runway is still very wet so it was to decided to let it dry out and fly at the weekend when things will have firmed up considerably.

Better looking weather as the runway starts to dry out
There was only a few members here today but there were unconfirmed reports that were several members away doing their cross country endorsements in a motorglider. I will try to get a report about that.

A what did we do? Well apart from getting the log burner going, sitting around drinking tea and putting the world to rights, nothing much really. Subjects for debate ranged widely from schemes to improve the airfield to curing the world economic crisis.

Dartmoor Gliding Debating Society
As always David Bourchier put us to shame by keeping himself busy with an eclectic collection of odd jobs in and around the hangar.

David - busy as usual.
I am really looking forward to flying at the weekend.


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