Wednesday 30th January 2013

Despite a major flood diversion on my drive from North Cornwall, I managed to get to today's meeting of the 'Wednesday Optimists' and was cheered to find several of the usual gang present, the wood-burner at full blast and Stoker Ged using the circular saw to create a stock of dry firewood. Moreover our spirits were lifted even further by the unveiling and scoffing of a delicious sponge cake created by Mrs Raine in honour of Steve's birthday.

What happened to the candles Steve?
What can one say about the weather, other than 'more of the usual, with the sun shining but a flooded airfield combined with a gale force wind to ensure that the day was 'doubly unflyable'.'  So a pleasant several hours were spent in the clubhouse reminiscing, crystal ball gazing, exchanging tall stories, flight simulating and, following the arrival of Alan Holland, discussing possible ways of resolving the Gus Launch winch's (one of our club's backup winches) engine problem.

The weather must surely improve one of these days and, who knows, wave may soon be upon us. So I again urge those pilots among you who haven't flown since the autumn (or earlier) and are therefore totally out of currency, to come on down as soon as possible and take the necessary steps to become current - and safe to fly.

"Hibernation followed by a hasty check flight does not a current pilot make!"

Bob Pirie

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