Dartmoor Gliding News - Wednesday 27th November 2013

After the nice weather last weekend we were hopeful for another good flying day, but this was not to be. The cloudbase never got above about 500 feet all day.

This was particularly frustrating for today’s One Day Course candidate Steve Barr who spent his second day with us when we are not flying. He was entertained to some more simulator flying. I am sure it will happen soon Steve.

Steve Raine is a picture of concentration on his cross country to North Hill
 The simulator was kept busy throughout the day. Steve Raine took advantage of it to fly a cross country from Brentor to North Hill which he completed after a low save on his final glide. I am sure he will be doing this for real next season.

The club was full of members today which meant that lots of jobs got done. About 6 weeks or so ago there was a serious storm which blew a tree over behind the hangar which landed on top of the K8 open trailer. We feared the worst. Today several members armed with chainsaws, ropes, Landrovers and boundless enthusiasm set about cutting up the tree. By the end of the day there was piles of firewood where the tree had been and the K8 trailer had been rescued. It was miraculously unharmed.

The K8 trailer after it had several tons of tree sitting on it for weeks

St. Eutaceous Tavistock
 Elsewhere David Rippon had gone to St Eustacious  church in Tavistock to erect and decorate the gliding club Christmas tree as part of a large display of Christmas trees.. The main baubles were the model K13’s that were assembled a couple weeks ago.

The biggest gaggle of the year. K13's on our Christmas tree


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