Dartmoor Gliding News–Wednesday 15th October 2014

After last Sunday's action-filled Blog - what a change!  Nevertheless, today's miserable weather failed to deter ten members from turning up at the club this morning and getting stuck into various chores.

Back in action. Does this mean winter is on the way?
Our number one priority was the ceremonial firing up of the wood burner, to help smooth the seasonal transition from soaring to shivering. Very soon the clubhouse was aglow and after a reviving 'cuppa' we were all ready to tackle various elements of our work programme.

Steve doing some electrical knitting.
Most impressive of all was the start of essential re-wiring of the clubhouse in accordance with the requirements of our insurers. This major task was tackled most ably by Colin Boyd and Steve Raine and was still 'work in progress' by the time I left.

The Discoveries waiting for service
 Ian Osbourne, Jorg Beasley, Robin Wilson and I set about preparing our vehicles and the ML winch for winter, by administering generous doses of antifreeze, while Steve Lewis John Bolt and Ged Nevisky grappled with complex glider weighing issues on the computer. Meanwhile David Bourchier seemed to be in several places at once, dispensing energy, expertise, enthusiasm and cups of tea.

Bob, Ian and Jorg doing replanishing the antifreeze
With weather conditions like today's, one really feels for all those keen trainee pilots who have been disappointed.  All I can say is 'hang in there', because autumn and winter can present us with some clear and crisp days when it's a joy to be airborne - whether on your own, or with an instructor breathing down your neck.

And whenever it is unflyable, there's always plenty to learn...  work to be done...  or good company to be enjoyed in warm and comfortable surroundings. So see you next week!

Bob Pirie

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