Dartmoor Gliding News-Saturday 8th November 2014

Today started with torrential rain and near gale force winds. Little wonder that the club was quiet then. There had been a call for a work team to help the fencing refurbishment project but this was going to be a non starter. Who says glider pilots are never sensible?

What struck me today was the contrast in the work which was being undertaken. The glider workshop was almost library like as Colin and John worked on the refurbishment of CLT’s wings with only the odd scraping or sanding sounds to break their concentration.

A study in  peace and concentration. Colin and John working on CLT's port wing
The scene in the  hangar couldn’t have been different with loud hammering, welding, and grinding ( and the odd expletive ) as Rick and David attacked the GusLaunch winch defects list. Later they were joined by Allan who was refurbishing the rear skid from one of the gliders.

Rick working on the GusLaunch winch. 
In the clubhouse it was light, warm and clean. Ideal working conditions for me to replace the large screen and sound system on the briefing computer. Here I discovered that Rick had made a really early start today and had already installed the new graphics card in the simulator before banishing himself to the hangar.

So, today the outstanding task list got a little shorter. It looks like good flying weather tomorrow.


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