Whilst most glider pilots have a pretty good idea of how gliders are built and rigged, I suspect that not many of us are as well acquainted with caravans and their construction. Well now all can be revealed – the principal constituent of caravans is - polystyrene foam, plus a few wood stringers, a little aluminium and some hardboard.
The ‘before’ shot of the Abi Supreme 11.s Lightweight caravan
about to be ’intelligently’ dismantled by Richard Roberts. |
Tops Gear’s (former) presenter Jeremy Clarkson would have been proud of us since today, whilst the weather was blowing the proverbial ‘hoolie’, Richard Roberts and I set about the Number 1 Task on the ‘To Do’ list, namely ridding the roads of one of the two surplus caravans on site. So farewell, then, Abi Supreme 11.2 2 berth Lightweight caravan – which, in the modern manner, we dismantled ‘intelligently’, preserving windows and seals for resale, metal for the scrapyard and wood for the clubhouse woodburner.
Was this your trailer??
No, not a tale of destruction as a result of the gale force winds at the weekend,
but the outcome of Sunday’s dismantling of one of the surplus caravans. |
Just as we were finishing the task (3hrs, in case you were wondering) Richard pondered whether the Abi Supreme Lightweight A11.2 was one of those classics that get taken to Caravan Club rallies to be oo’ed and aah’ed at by devotees of the caravanning fraternity… Perhaps we had just disposed of one of the rarest of the species that could, 3 hrs earlier, have been worth a small fortune..? A panic-stricken trawl through the internet quickly (thank goodness for the strength of signal in the clubhouse) revealed that the Abi Supreme Lightweight 11.2 is, indeed, a rare bird – there was only one left on e-Bay – going for £50 – unsold..!
So the gauntlet has been laid for the scrapheap challenge of the remaining surplus caravan – can you beat a time of 3 hours to ‘intelligently’ prepare it for the scrapyard..?
Martin Cropper
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