Dartmoor Gliding News-Sunday 1st November 2015

Like a child born with a silver spoon we didn't realise just how lucky we were today for, in many parts of the country, gliding was impossible due to fog - which was in stark contrast to the gin clear conditions that greeted us on arrival at the airfield.  And with a good turnout and busy Flying List there was everything to play for, particularly with a forecast south-easterly wind...

Today’s gin clear conditions.
First launch saw Roger Appleboom take his K-6 aloft for 7mins, closely followed by Pete Howarth with One Day Course student Alex Baines (see photo). Pete's work was then augmented with a busy schedule that included three members of the Kennedy-Bruyneel family (see photos) and Matt Bryant.

Our One Day Course Student was Alex Baines, from Plympton.
 Meet the Kennedy-Bruyneel family: Cerys, seated in glider, Isaac (middle)
and Dad Paul (right) were flown by IFP Pete Howarth.
Visitor Matt Bryant was flown by IFP Pete Howarth.
On the single seater line, Leith Whittington (Dart 17R) and Roger Appleboom (K-6) seemed manically disposed to beat each other for number of launches (and money paid to the Treasurer) whilst Adrian Irwin attempted to show a more intellectual approach to achieving the longest flight of the day by exploring the air mass both upwind and downwind of the site - sadly they were all beaten in this quest by silently slow mover Pete Howarth who, in company with Paul Kennedy-Briyneel, managed 9 mins in the early afternoon.

Yet another heavy landing by K-6 pilot Roger Appleboom...
Which speaks volumes about the equine nature of the conditions - no, not 'hoofing' but stable,  and becoming more so as the day progressed. That was all to the good for trainees Dave Downton and Richard Johnson, and early soloists Karl Andrews and Paula Howarth.  And also for returning member Josef Nobbs, who was able to re-solo today, in anticipation of returning to the Zugvogel which he flew when last with us some 10 years or so ago: well done Joe!

Returning member Joef Nobbs resoloed today.
It was also a pleasure to see North Hill émigré Henry Ford again - no doubt seduced by our good looks and gay, witty repartee (or could that have been the easterly wind and possibility of wave..?)  Sadly, he was able to benefit from only one of the above, and it wasn't wave..!

With thanks to the lean, mean, launch driving machine of Barry Green and Heather on winch and retrieve (plus first time 'all-outer' Dave Downton at 'tother end..), sadly we had to draw stumps without completing the Flying List. IFP Roger Appleboom did at least manage a flight with potential new member Stephen John Goldthorp  before the rapidly setting sun forced us to call it a day - thus making a total of 45 launches today

Stephen John Goldthorp flew with Roger Appleboom.
Martin Cropper

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