Dartmoor Gliding News-Saturday 20th February 2016

The poor weather continues. This week has been particularly difficult. After last Sundays showery day, Monday and Tuesday were cold, bright and dry. If it had been windy the airfield would have dried out but alas not. So Wednesday dawned to ......... torrential rain. At one point driving to the airfield I would have described the rain as monsoon like; the car wipers just couldn't cope. So not a flying day. Thursday dawned bright and clear with an endless blue sky from horizon to horizon. Friday was a little showery. So could we fly on Saturday? Low cloud and a day of drizzle put paid to that.

You might be wondering why we go to the airfield when it is not flyable. Well many years ago we gave an undertaking that we must do what we say we will. The airfield is supposed to be open  Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday so we make sure that it is. If we have a visitor then we are there to greet them  If a member wants to attend to use the simulator, study, have a chat or to help out with the myriad of jobs and projects, someone is there.

So nothing going on then? Not a bit of it. The ground works for the new workshop has been finished. Simon Collier made sure that the aircraft monthly maintenance schedules were up to date.

The groundwork for the new workshop
Three of our pilots have been away this weekend attending module A of their instructors course. This is VERY important to the part of the club's plan.

Mike provided some notes on the trip as shown below


Grey skies , low cloud and rain was the weekend weather at Stafordshire gliding club where module ' A' instructor training was taking place for Rick Wiles, Mike Jardine and Peter Howarth all from Dartmoor Gliding 

Low cloud and rain at the Staffordshire Gliding Club
 The course was held by BGA coach Simon Adlard ( pictured ) and Mike Fox.

From left to right. Rick, Simon, Mike and Peter
The course was interesting , very informative and well received by all attending.
Our thanks and appreciation goes to all those involved and assisting some of whom are pictured.

Some of the helpers. 
Mike Jardine

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