Dartmoor Gliding News-Saturday 25th March 2017

On Friday evening as the temperatures lowered the sky was full of lenticulars and wave bars showing the presence of a large wave system. So an early trip to the airfield on Saturday was the order of the day. The sky was blue, keeping any wave effects a secret but the air was alive with gusts ( rotors? ).

After checking all the weather forecasts and visiting both ends of the runway, instructors Ged and Rick decided that today would be a non flying day. Apparently the wind was very gusty over the airfield and the 40 knot winds forecast for later in the day would make the day too challenging. Later the windsock showed the wisdom of this difficult decision, waving almost fully vertical before hanging limp and then sitting perfectly horizontal. If you looked from the side The windsock pole was trying to bend under then strain.

Working in the hangar
In the hangar, after Colin had adjusted the canopy on HXP, he helped Paula and Peter with the CofA on their K6.

A disappointing ( or should that be "character forming" ) day.


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