Dartmoor Gliding News-Saturday 27th January 2018

Good weather forecasting goes to the very heart of gliding. Image my reaction then to the news that a minor fire had disabled the Met Office Supercomputer, preventing it from running any forecast updates. Nothing for it but to reach for my own weather supercomputer. The seaweed came in wet (raining), half of it was missing (windy) and the little airsacks were plump and full (low atmospheric pressure). Weather forcasting sorted.

The water running off the airfield. The low cloud is almost obscuring the trees
Another no flying day. Was the airfield deserted? No the clubhouse was busy with our instructors practicing the delivery of lectures to each other and the assembled club members.

Mike Jardine in full flow
Later in the day the clubhouse became even busier when the Committee convened for their regular meeting.

Hoping for flying weather soon (please!!!)


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