Dartmoor Gliding News-Saturday 29th September 2018

Yesterday's trough with it's clouds is just is distant memory and today high pressure was once more in charge of the weather. The day started with an endless blue sky and, with the decidedly chilly overnight temperature and the promise a warm day, there was every chance of a good soaring day. The wind is forecast to be light from the east and that is what we got initially but that was to change

New club member John waiting for his first flight
The flying programme got off to an early start withCFI Mark Courtnay and I flying together to complete this year's revalidation of my instructors ticket with a couple of practice cable breaks. Mark then got on with the club flying with a short soaring flight with Karon while I turned my attention to the flying with new club member John O'Connell for his very first glider flight. During the 24 minute soaring flight John had the opportunity to start getting to grips with flying the aircraft. Welcome to DGS John.

Simon and Mike ready to go
Also on the airfield today as Simon Minson , Instructor Coach and Regional Examiner, who was here to fly with Mike Jardine to complete Mikes Instructor rating. By the end of the day, after several flights and briefings the job was done. Well done Mike and thank you Simon for your help.

A job well done Mike. And thank you Simon 
Sometimes gliding can be frustrating and today had some of this. A real cable break caused a tangle on the winch which delayed matters. About this time, our nice steady easterly breeze decided to go to the west causing us to change ends. These events delayed the flying programme by 1 1/2 hours. Thank you everyone for your patience.

Visiting pilot Henry Ford had this view during his 1 hour soaring flight in he K8.
It was certainly a bit hazy today. Typical of a high pressure day.
 The day proved to be quite soarable. Conditions low down were the usual challenge but the assemble pilots were up for it with 6 flights an hour or longer. Longest was Richard Roberts 2 hours 55 minutes in his Discus. Interesting was the Twin Astir; it completed 1 hour 44 minutes with Phil and Ged, only to launch again with Malcolm and Ged for another 1 hour and 35 minutes. Great stuff chaps.

This picture also from Henry. Climbing at 6 knots at 3000 feet in the K8

Our visitors today were Joe Lyons, Ed Mitchell, Roy Osbourne, Mike Strickland, who flew with me and Robert Steemson who flew with Mike. All enjoyed their soaring flights with us.

Visitor Joe Lyons enjoying the view
Visitor Ed Mitchell
Visitor Roy Osborne
Visitor Mike Strickland
Visitor Robert Steemson flew with Mike

A big thank you to all those who helped ( you know who you are).

The airfield is quiet once more
A great day with some frustrations ( that's gliding )

The fleet back safely in the hangar


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