Dartmoor Gliding News - Wednesday 30th March 2022

 The forecast for a light north westerly with a 3 to 4 star rating on RASP gave hope for a good day. The assembled owners were soon pulling fuselages out of their trailers and rigging.

Frantic activity at the trailer park.
Unfortunately the weather hadn't read the script and the airfield became enveloped in fog which looked that it was set for a good while. Unperturbed the gliders stayed out, as ever glider pilots are optimistic that the weather forecast would have an element of truth in it.

Shrouded in fog.
Eventually at about 11:30 there was evidence that the weather was brightening up, so we began towing the gliders to the east end launch point. First into the K13 with me was John Smith. This was a dual purpose flight to check the general visibility and a condition check flight for John to fly the K8. A good flight deemed both aspects to be OK.

Next into the K13 was David Moult. David was introduced to his first stalls and continued practice with coordinated turns.

David ready to fly,
We were joined today by Trevor Williams who was here for a one day course. Richard Roberts was duty BI and after initial briefings took Trevor for his first flights.

Trevor and Richard all smiles.
Due to a poor horizon it was deemed no advantage to continue with Trevor's flights. Richard took Trevor to the clubhouse and simulator for some confidence boosting flying. After some good benefit, Trevor is looking forward to returning and putting his improved skills into practice. We look forward to seeing Trevor back soon.

K13 G-CFGR appeared at the launch point for it's inaugural test flights at Brentor. Colin Boyd and Jamie Steel were tasked with these important first flights.

G-CFGR getting ready.
And off they go.
As it was discovered G-CFGR was the glider that Jamie was first sent solo in, Jamie relived that moment with another solo flight after everything was deemed OK after the test flights.

What about all those private gliders that were rigged at the beginning of the day. K6 FUB was flown by John Allen and Mike Bennett, DG300 HME - Phil Hardwick, Twin Astir DSL - Malcolm W-J, Steve Fletcher - Open Cirrus CGY, John Smith and Gavin Short - K8 GDK and Ed Borlase - K6 EWO with varying degrees of success. The longest flight was claimed by Steve with 23 minutes.

K6 pilots John & Hugh.
ED in K6 EWO
A day that promised a lot more, but we made the best of what we could. Dartmoor Gliding now have three serviceable K13's to be used as required.

DGS K13's queued for launch.
Thank you to all at the club today who achieve 29 flights in a shortened day due to the weather.

Peter Howarth

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