Dartmoor Gliding News - Sunday 17th July 2022

A combination of the Amber Heat Warning from the Met Office alongside the forecast for a moderate/strong crosswind resulted in a low turnout at the club today. It was decided that we could not really operate safely, so a call was made to the booked in visitors to try and cancel them and save them a trip.

The Sunday Soarers were joined today by Chairman Steve Lewis. Steve was meeting up with BGA Inspector Colin Boyd and his mentor Adam Hoskin to carry out the C of A/ARC on Steve's Zugvogel

Acceptable Required Char (ARC)
So with the Zugvogel liberated from the trailer and spread over the usual rigging area the inspection began.

Colin and Adam closely inspect the cockpit.
Removing the rudder for inspection.
Some fabric work required.
Whilst the inspection was being done, throughout the day Gavin was kept busy doing some excellent PR work. The first visitors arrived having not received the phone call cancelling the single flight. This proved a bit of luck as on inspection of the BGA voucher it was found the voucher was for a one day course. After being shown around the facilities, although down on holiday from Wiltshire, they would re-book with us later in the year when they are back down this way again.

Another couple who were walk-in visitors are PPL pilots who have moved to Gulworthy and want to fly more cheaply than power. He has previously flown with a certain Mr D Piggott.

The final walk-in visitors were a couple of bikers, one of whom had won a voucher for a flight at Scratch's workplace. A previous attempt to fly back in November was cancelled due to the weather.

We look forward to seeing all back in the near future.

Late in the afternoon it was required to rig the Zugvogel and carry out the required re-weighing of the aircraft.

Weighing the Zug
Although they didn't fly, trainees Yannis, Freddie and Andrew saw what is required to do to keep a glider flying and hopefully proved interesting and informative. We all kept ourselves and Colin well hydrated during a very warm day.

Hopefully the heat will soon be passing and we can get back to doing what we all want to do.

Peter Howarth

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