Dartmoor Gliding News - Friday 23rd June 2023

Friday the first of three flying days to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the club. So the weather gods would reward us with a 5 star rating and a moderate wind straight down the strip. Well not quite. 10-15knts from the south and low cloud greeted the early arrivals. Little enthusiasm from the privateers to rig resulted in some initial tea and coffee drinking.

DI Mike Jardine was seen up on the field looking skywards and out to the south west. Eventually Mike declared we would give it a try. With a low turn out, one K13 and the K8 were towed to the east end. First to fly with Mike was trainee Guy Balmer. After two launches of 800-900ft it was decided to stand down to see if the cloud base would rise.

Guy Balmer getting ready.
After about half an hour, Guy finished his training flights and Scratch had a couple of flights in the K8. Due to the cross wind it was decided to stand down the K8.
CFI Rick Wiles arrived to carry out 5 year instructor checks with Mike Jardine and Peter Howarth.

Rick and Peter ready to fly.
Rick and Mike ready to go.
Four flights each saw both Mike and Peter complete their checks. Although the sky looked better the K13 wasn't staying up, but ever the optimist, Malcolm W-J was seen towing the Twin Astir from the T-hangar. Malcolm and Phil took a launch, but were soon back on the ground. Their second launch was more successful with climbs to a staggering 1500ft resulting in flight of the day of 26 minutes.

Malcolm and Phil ready for their longest flight.
Mike resumed training with Steve Fletcher (IFP training), Mike Bennett and Steve Lesson acting as safety pilot for each.

K13 lands.
K13 hangar landing.
So, not the best day's flying, but two instructors revalidated. Thanks to all at the club including Andy Davey who started the day winching. Hopefully the weather may improve for days 2 and 3 including the barbecue and band.

Peter Howarth

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