Dartmoor Gliding News - Wednesday 16th August 2023

Today I am substituting for the usual Wednesday Blog writer so it will not be in Short hand. Yesterday (Tuesday) there was a lot of email and social media traffic. Some cursing they could not attend and others hoping the day would live up to the forecast. After the recent unsettled weather it was forecast to be warm, light winds and soaring conditions up to 3000ft and a Rasp Star Rating of 3.

Joe Slater was today's One Day Course (ODC) candidate. After the usual briefings and paperwork, Joe started his flying with BI Phil Hardwick.

Joe Slater ready to fly with Phil.
And off they go.
Returning Junior member Matt was first to fly with Mike Jardine. Matt is getting to grips with the controls and had one flight of 15 minutes.
Matt and Mike in K13 FGR.
Our next visitor, Sarah Eddy arrived for her two flight voucher flights. She had received this as a present last Christmas. Her partner wondered if he could get away with one flight for last Christmas and one for next Christmas.
Sarah all smiles and excited to fly.
Alasdair Barclay was next to fly with Mike. After a quick check flight he was allowed to add to his total of solo flights. K8 next step when time allows. Two K8's were at the launch point today with Steve Lesson, Mark Elliott, Mike Bennett and David Archer making use of them. Longest flight between then was Mark with 44 minutes. Privateers John Allan (Mini Nimbus), Martin Broadway/Andy Davey (Libelle), Peter Howarth (Kestrel) and Rick Wiles (Std Cirrus) took their places in the launch queue. John, Peter and Andy all took two launches to get away. CFI Rick managed on his first attempt. Martin had an off day, but managed 15 minutes.
Rick's view of Plymouth Sound and the River Tamar.
John's view of Burrator.
John flying a convergence to 4700ft
John's flight claimed flight of the day with 4 hours 56 minutes.
With Mike's trainee programme complete, he assisted Phil with the last two visitors. Paddy Stubbs received his trial flight voucher as a present for his 70th birthday.
Paddy Stubbs with Mike.
After his dad flew a ODC with us recently, Ben Johnson wanted to experience gliding for himself. 3 flights including a 28 minute flight to 2400ft gave him a great experience of our sport.
Ben ready for his experience flights.
K13 view over Blackdown
The airfield in cloud shadow.
We were joined mid afternoon by Mark Courtney to carry out the final acceptance flights for Steve Fletcher in his quest to become an Introductory Flight Pilot (IFP). After two launch failures and a flight with Mark playing an inquisitive Bloggs, Steve was successful after putting in a lot of hard work towards this achievement. Well done Steve and welcome to the team.
Mark playing an inquisitive Bloggs.
Mark congratulates Steve.
So a day that did provide some good soaring, but possibly not quite as good as the forecast. A new IFP qualified and joined the team. Some happy visitors and pilots. A good day overall with 37 flights completed.

Peter Howarth

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