Sunday 19th February 2012

Sunday turned out to be a fantastic day of gliding with a total of 49 launches.

We had a Fresh North Westerly Wind which meant we were launching to the West. But this didn't just mean it was circuits for everyone
Let's go!
Jacob Knight made a bold attempt to get his bronze leg. Unfortunately, he missed the target by just two minutes, which makes this his fourth 28 minute flight - I'm sure he'll get there eventually. Allan Holland took the award for the longest flight in the Zugvogel with a flight of just under an hour. I launched just after him and could not keep up.

Shrek and David Jesty prepare to 'commit aviation' on Sunday afternoon.  If only that street to the left was reachable..!
There was a good show of students and instructors so everyone was kept busy.

Don Puttock and Leith Whittington's reaction on being told that Alan Cater had offered to buy the beers at the end of the day's flying!
All in all it was a great days gliding, and look forward to more of the same.

Matthew Mackay

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