DGS News–Sunday 23rd June 2013

Arriving at the club a little after 9:15 it was clear from the faces around the table that a great deal of effort had gone into – breakfast!  And a great deal of satisfaction derived!  Thus, as the (empty) pans hit the sink (the watery kind), it was impossible to discover whether today’s ‘no-fly’ decision was the outcome of an over breakfast discussion between ‘valour’ and ‘discretion’, following yesterday’s land out, or simply the result of looking at the F214 on which winds of 35 and 40 knots were predicted for 1 and 2 thousand feet amsl. 

And so the opportunity was taken for Dave Parker to retake his Bronze C exam (in which he achieved a ‘competition’ finish), Heather Horsewill and Colin Boyd to power wash anything that didn’t move, and Roger Applebloke and Henry Flower to incinerate anything that did – well almost. 

Having safely passed the rubicon of the ante-meridian, it was deemed time to sample the victoria sponge and scones baked by Dave Parker in preparation for today’s trial lesson honeymoon celebration (sadly cancelled) – if only the bride knew what she was missing! 

And he got a knighthood for it?’  Roger is unimpressed by the Dyson’s ability to suck the remains of Neath from the bottom of the K-8’s fuselage, whilst Martin attempts to assist by ‘powerlifting’ the Dyson to a new elevation (not flight level).
The afternoon was almost more exciting, as we decided to open the treasure chest that was Colin Boyd’s trailer containing the K-8 from Neath.  Therein was found two very tidy looking wings and a very racily liveried fuselage, together with a placard so full of anomalies that the whole issue just screamed ‘weigh me’! 
So it would appear that, with its compatriot K-7M, G-DDAK, last week’s caravanserai to Neath has netted us two gliders of quite positive potential. 

As a final lecture from Don about chocolate being very tasty (he does tend to state the obvious...) reminded some that solids of cocoa are occasionally a useful passport on completion of the return leg, it was time to depart before the shops closed, and to register our new acquisitions with the CAA

Martin Cropper

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