Dartmoor Gliding News – Sunday 15th September 2013

Those of you who have had to endure management initiatives such as 'time & motion', LRQA, Continuous Improvement and such like may have come across 'Lean'. 

For 'Lean' is certainly what we were today - and if it wasn't for the presence of Sean Parramore, thus enabling us to winch and instruct we would have been less than lean, we would have ben a veritable size zero! 

Thankfully, Jerry Wilkinson also arrived to add to the 'throng', which with Roger Applebrough and myself meant we had sufficient numbers to get One Day Course member Ian Henderson and trial Lesson student Freddy Ludwig into the air. 

However, it wasn't to be for very long before the widely trailed weather front arrived and the southerly wind picked up (the forecast said '230' at '45') and the odd spot of rain became more persistent until we had to call for 'carriages' to take our visitors back to the warmth of the clubhouse whilst we trudged back with K7M G-DDAK getting wetter and wetter. 

Still, 3 launches on an expectedly unflyable day was better than none - and we look forward to welcoming Ian back on Wednesday to continue his course...

Martin Cropper

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