Dartmoor Gliding News-Wednesday 29th April 2015

The RASP soaring forecast looked quite favourable but the wind strength may be a little high. Leaving Plymouth in 8/8th’s cloud with wind and rain things were not too promising.

At the airfield there was an air of expectation and several pilots were rigging and a couple were planning cross countries. After changing ends and setting up the winch in the top field to maximise launch heights the conditions did eventually improve.

Roger Green waiting for another launch after landing to remove his wingtip extentions
 The grid contained 2*ASW20, 2*Astir, an Open Cirrus, a K8 and a K13. Most pilots who flew had good soaring flights locally to 4000 ft QNH but with reports of much weaker and lower conditions north of Roadford disuading all but Mike Gadd to stay local.

Overhead Roadford.

A good looking sky locally
Mike set off on a cross country but landed out at Eaglescott after flying in to what he described as a weaker, lower airmass ( probably sea air from the Cornish coast ). You can read about Mikes exploits and views his photos at


Ged checking the Open Cirrus trailer before setting out to retrieve his syndicate partner
Ged and Mike were assisted by Steve Raine
The big news today was Instructors Ged Nevisky's return to flight status after his recent illness. After a couple of familiarisation flights  he was soon in the back seat of the K13. Welcome back Ged.

A good day from an unpromising start.


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