Mike Gadd Lands Out at Eaglescott

Roger Green and I set the same task of Holsworthy, Eaglescott (BRT-HOL-EAG,BRT = 95km), and although I found it easy getting away with a 4000ft QHN cloudbase, is was really difficult out in mid Devon with the strong wind ( 20knots+) and lower cloudbase of 3000QNH. Lift was very broken, and weak, so climbs were slow resulting in me drifting 5km downwind for every climb I took. Since base was only 3000ft, I needed to take more climbs, however I managed to push to get the HOL (after 1.5 hours!).

After turning downwind to head to EAG, I hoped it would get easier, but still ended up getting below 2000ft AGL a couple of times with field options in mind. Struggled to get to EAG, but made the turnpoint and started to head home on the final 40km leg to BRT. However 5km away from EAG I was once again struggling in the strong cross-wind, and being late in the day I decided for the safer and easier option to head back to EAG and land there. I tried to call them on 123MHz for QFE and circuit info, but apparently they were not monitoring the radio. However my judgement was good and I put it down nice and easy 1/3 third onto runway-25. I finished my ground run by steering clear of the runway but was soon met by Barry (the friendly owner) to retrieve me from the field and offer services of the club.

Distance as entered in the BGA ladder is a 54km two leg goal (declared but abandoned task).

Thanks to Ged and Steve Raine for my retrieve, and to Barry at EAG for the field retrieve, hot tea, and conversation whilst I waited.

Always worth an option to land there, I thought the £5 landing fee (which is more a donation than a fee) was very reasonable!

I met a definite boundary between two air-masses north of Roadford, cloudbase was 800-1000ft lower after this point. Both sides of this line were still working.
Roadford (note the reflection and wind lines)
Holsworthy Turnpoit
Approaching Eaglescott
(mid top - marked by the very obvious large golf ball shaped radio antenna) 
Down at Eaglescott
Log Trace
Mike Gadd

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