Dartmoor Gliding News-Sunday 30th August 2015

“So you’re going to let your natural pessimism overrule (something unintelligible..)?” were Pete Harvey’s words in response to my clear, unequivocal decision at 1pm to scrub the day after a morning of listening to the rain batter the canopy whilst watching interminable BGA videos about when and where not to filed land your glider (which of course concluded with a cheerful soubriquet; ‘Happy Landings...!’)

Now many people travel long distances to get to us and so, whilst we put the hurdle fence back up, not long since taken down, I had to conclude that actually, yes, it had stopped raining and that, although the clouds upwind were grey and uninviting they did not actually threaten more rain.  So: to remain clear-visioned and resolute with my earlier decision or walk up the gangplank of HMS Vacillation and reverse course? 

An interesting sky?  The cloudscape looking NW from the winch at about 2pm.
 Let’s get flying!  Thus whilst we were unable to accommodate our two One Day Courses, we were able to call in Introductory Flight Visitor Helen West, who flew with Roger Appleboom (see photo) and new member Tony Hunston was able to get some hands on in the smooth air and clear horizon that succeeded passage of the warm front, whilst soloists Pete Harvey, Chris Owen, Jerry Wellington and Robin Wilson maintained currency in the K-8.  Indeed a small line of slightly darker grey cumulus scudding NE-SW was spotted by Jerry, enabling him to remain in soaring, unpowered flight for a full ‘Flight of the Day’ 36 mins (Roger being second with 17 mins and Robin in bronze position with 9 mins).

Today’s visitor was Helen West, who flew with Roger Appleboom.
We were also visited by Roger Green who proudly announced that, having recently completed a 300km goal flight with Mike Gadd, he had been awarded a Gold Badge by the BGA (the other part of the badge being a height gain of 3,000m (9,843ft) he had achieved 18 months ago...)  Well Done, Roger (and also with the change of job that will free up the weekends – we look forward to seeing you!)

At about 6pm, as we were putting the gliders away we reflected that, although nothing great was achieved today, some flying was definitely better than no flying.  And sometimes a reversal of decision is better than sticking to the wrong one..! 

Thanks go to everyone (including Helen) who ‘put up’ with taking the fence down, herding the cows, putting it up again only to take it down (for flying) before finally putting it up again at the end of the day.  And, as we drove away from the airfield?  The rain started again..!

Martin Cropper

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