Dartmoor Gliding News-Saturday 14th May 2016

The day started with a grey overcast sky with light airs from the east. Gradually the cloud moved and created a few sunny spells and the wind direction wandered until it was light and southerly by the end of the day.

One Day Course Candidate Roy Bain with his family
First up today was One Day Course candidiate Roy Bain who had his first 3 flights with today's instructor, Gordon Dennis, before  finishing his course with me. Meanwhile I was flying with visitor Chris Pike. At this stage of the day both K13s managed soaring flights using an area of lift between Mary Tavy and Gibbett Hill. The sun was relatively weak but must have been strong enough to set of a few smooth thermals from the south facing slope.

Visitor Chris Pike and wife with Matt Wiles helping.
Club training continues with Mike Bennett having what he described as a "frustrating day". Learning to fly is a bit like that sometimes. Three steps forward, two back etc. Matt Wiles continues his path towards re-soloing after  recently rejoining the club after several years of absence.

Being a little small to fly yet didn't deter these two as
they measured up the K8 during a visit while on holiday in the area
The later part of the day was a little disappointing. Try as they might club members and instructors alike just could not find those elusive thermals.

A nice club day.


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