Dartmoor Gliding News - Sunday 5th February 2023

 With high pressure over the south of the country, a moderate easterly wind there is always the anticipation of possible wave at DGS. The optimism wasn't backed up by the soundings and forecasts, but a good days flying was hoped for unde the clear blue sky. With no planned visitors, a K13 and the K8 were prepared for the day's flying.

First to fly with me was Sean Westrope. General flying skills were practiced along with starting to fly the top part of the launch and most of the circuit.

Sean returning to the airfield.
Steve Fletcher decided to take a flight in the K8. On his return it was decided that conditions were a bit too turbulent, so the K8 was side-lined to await calmer conditions later in the day. Training proceeded with David Moorley, the conditions hindered his early progress. Two flights later in the day in calmer conditions allowed him to consolidate his progress.

David ready to fly.
Next to fly with me was Matthew Stone. By the end of his flights, Matthew completed his first whole flight with take-off and landing successfully flown and experienced another launch failure when a shackle failed on the ground run.

Matthew completing his checks.
With conditions moderating and signs of extended flights by the K13, the K8 was brought back om line. Richard Roberts managed a flight of 22 minutes in lift which he said could have been either wave or thermal or rotor lift. This was followed by Steve Fletcher who managed 44 minutes in what he thought was definitely more wave like lift. Finally Ed Borlase managed 18 minutes.

K8 on final approach.
Steve Fletcher returns.
A walk in visitor arrived. Roman Walczyk. He was so interested in flying, he signed up as a full member without even having a trial flight. Although initially we thought we couldn't fly him today, we liberated duty BI Phil Hardwick from the winch and surprised Roman with a couple of introductory flights.

Roman very keen to get going.
And off he goes.
The final trainee to fly with me was new treasurer Andrew Downing. Having not flown any training flights since November, he was soon flying most of the launch and approach.

A good day flying and one new member is not bad for a winters day. Thank you to all who were at the club today and kept things going.

Peter Howarth

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