Dartmoor Gliding News-Saturday 17th August 2024

Today's forecast was not promising. Lots of low cloud and occasional showers. The forecast winds were light NW backing to the west later. RASP was strangely optimistic giving 3 stars in the afternoon.

Low cloudbase was a feature today. It was 1500ft most of the day.
Not many members turned up today, perhaps because of the weather forecast but more likely they had seen an email from Rick announcing that he was on holiday without announcing that Mike Jardine was the duty instructor today. Val and Jamie had both turned up and put the availability of Mike Jardine to good use with multiple training flights each.

K13 FGR on another training mission
Val flying the circuit
Looking down the runway from the west end from about 1100ft
We welcomed Geoff Poulton for a One Day Course who flew with me. Geoff enjoyed a good mix of extended circuits and some soaring flights including a day topping effort of 22 minutes. 

Geoff and me in FSD waiting to launch
Meanwhile Scratch had finished his work on the Jeep and it was pressed into service towing cables with the trailer on the back which worked well demonstrating it's new role in the club as the all round backup vehicle . Jamie thought towing cables with a trailer was " old fashioned "; The pickup has cable towing facilities build onto the load bed.

Despite a brief delay while a shower passed through, we finished the flying programme reasonably early.

A relaxed flying day.


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