Dartmoor Gliding News - Sunday 15th September 2024

Forecast for some light south westerly wind, overcast day with some possible soaring and a smaller turn out due to some members being away at Duxford for the air display it was going to be easier day for all.

David Moorley was first into the hot seat. David continues progress growing in confidence with general flying and improving with approaches and landings.

David flying well (you can just see the yaw string in the middle).
After David, next was Darren Clark. Darren is a new member and is getting acquainted with coordinated turns. Julia Old, who has now signed up as a full member was next to fly with me. Julia is growing in confidence after her break from gliding and progressing well with her flying.

Julia keeping a good look out.
Duty IFP Steve Fletcher had three visitors today. First to arrive was 78 year old Robert Frost. Robert and family. He enjoyed two flights, the second of which was one of the rare occasions today when they got to cloudbase of 1500ft.

Robert looking forward to his flights.
Next to arrive was Mary McArdle who had two extended circuit flights with Steve.

Mary receiving her certificate from Steve.
The last visitor today was 14 year old Riley Dunn who enjoyed his two short flights with us.

Riley beside the Puchacz getting his certificate.
Last to fly with me was Freddie Purkiss. Freddie is progressing well and today experienced his first go around launch failure.

The overcast view of the moors today.
With time progressing and all having flown it was time to organise some hangar flights. After flying George Purkiss as a reward for helping around the field today, Freddie stepped into the front seat of the Puchacz to be flown by Steve. Meanwhile after a sterling effort on the winch I took over from Phil Hardwick so he could fly soon to be returning member Ray Boundy in the K13 for a hangar flight. After Ray was beaming realising what he has missed whilst away on his travels recently.

A small crew today that made the most of things.

Peter Howarth

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