Dartmoor Gliding News - Sunday 2nd February 2025

The forecast for the cloudbase to lower as the day progressed and for possible rain early afternoon, inspired the few gathered members to get on and set the field up to fly. This forecast led to there being just enough to fly, so duty BI rang our first visitor of the year to see if they could come earlier for their flights.

First flight took off at 09:44 with Viktor and myself. A launch to 1200ft and cloudbase still above us showed us we had made the right decision to fly.

Lower cloud over the moors.
Clearer to the south.
After Victor's second flight our first visitor, Philippa Knight had arrived, so we handed the glider over to Gavin for her flights. Philippa Knight from Plymouth with partner Jack from Plymouth. Philippa had never flown in a glider or light aircraft before. We quickly established that both the BI and visitor worked at Cotehele; one as a shuttle bus driver, one in the gift shop as part if her university placement to become a ranger. There were more coincidences as Philippa's dad and Gavin had served in the same submarine as engineers. It's a small world. 

Partner Jack watches Philippa return.
Philippa receives her certificate from Gavin.
Philippa was the whisked away to walk the dog and a nice pub lunch as her flights were part of a birthday treat.

Ed Borlase and I took a flight, but the cloudbase had already started lowering and the southerly wind had increased.

Airfield from the east.
This would be the last flight of the day as we decided to return the K13 to the safety of the hangar. A short day, but we made the most of it. Back to the clubhouse for a late lunch and well earned teas and coffees. Thank you to Phil Hardwick who winched and was unable to fly.

Peter Howarth

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