Today the Wednesday Wavers do it again; go flying. The Wavers have managed to fly on all the flying Wednesdays in January! One month to go and then its spring. Hurrah.
You've been waiting for it - the GREAT REVEAL - but first you will have to read about some flying. The forecasts revolved around the track of a low; to the south and we could have a flyable day, to the north then low cloud and rain. RASP and Skysight had a high cloud base and rain filling in from 1230 and 1430 respectively. The wind would have a touch of east in it; initially northeast backing to the north, and strengthening, later in the day. Wave, perhaps unlikely, but you never know at Dartmoor Gliding.
FSD had to take the weight today as FGR is undergoing its annual inspection
The Duty Instructor inspected the pitch. It was as wet as he has known it but he decided to use the track only as has been done already this month with the CFI's encouragement.
The Astir CS77 would remain a wallflower today and be later tucked away in the hangar to keep the apron clear for the Great Reveal
Vehicles manoevering gently at the launch point due to the soggy pitch
First up was Neal with Duty Instructor, Mike Jardine, for a weather check. Weather check. It's flyable. Lets continue. So Neal took a second flight, a little longer as he found some reduced sink.
Meanwhile in the hangar wing cleaning and inspection of FGR was underway
After Andy's flight Steve stepped up for a rear-seat flight but sadly achieved just a circuit.
Dave offering his service as ballast for Steve to maintain his currency in flying from the rear seat
Dave then flew with Peter, who gave Mike a break, and they went soaring in a grey and cold January sky.
Peter could concentrate on the views as Dave climbed in wave
That certainly looks higher than launch height. Dave tops out at 1,600 feet AGL.
1/2 a knot is still lift. Patiently does it.
Dave achieved 21 minutes aloft in weak wave, climbing from a launch height of 1,300 feet and climbing to 1,600 feet. Congratulations Dave, you can soar and you proved it by getting the "Man of the Match" award for what we think is the first time. Bravo. Now concentrate on climbing in those pesky round and occasionally bumpy, thermally things.
Dave and Peter on a precision approach to land on the track |
Perfect, just perfect!
John Allan flew with Mike Jardine and achieved a very creditable 13 minutes aloft. This was followed by a final (third) flight for Neal with ten minutes in the reduced sink. Despite the forecast the rain held off.
Country code: "Just leave foot prints". Either there is a Sasquatch (Big Foot) on Dartmoor or the field really is very wet.
Another launch into a grey and cold sky
When all had had their fill we returned the gliders to the hangar and to await developments. Eight flights made to maintain currency. Eight pilots flew today for a total of 1 hour 20 minutes. Flying the K-13 from the track and keeping the vehicles on the track allowed us to fly in conditions that would previously been unflyable. Wednesday Wavers proving the CFI's theory. Also the K-13 was a lot cleaner and so less washing of gliders before packing the hangar.
Readers will be aware of Zack's initiative to raise funds to our elderly west end launch point.
Zack's go fund me page It's still live so you can still contribute if you wish.
To date he has raised £640 towards a new launch point. Zack, and his mum, Nicky, had a meeting with the CEO of City Bus in the New Year to discuss his project. Thanks to the generosity of City Bus he walked away with a single-decker "DART" bus. Figuratively, that is. We had to arrange delivery and today was the day.
Telephone calls from Mike Bennett to the delivery driver were nearly continuous all morning to check on the ETA, which kept on being put back while the delivery driver struggled to get the rear suspension on the bus raised (air suspension) ready for transport.
The Wednesday Wavers, hangar packed and waiting around, knew the arrival was imminent when the "Bus Controller" (AKA John Smith) pitched up, to oversee proceedings. John will lead the team converting the bus into a launch point.
The Bus Controller arrives at the clubhouse
Its arrived at the gate, causing a modicum of inconvenience for passing Brentor traffic. Sorry!
Moving forward to let Brentor traffic pass
The Dartmoor Gliding Society sign was removed from the entrance. Delivery could commence.
The bus transporter trying to squeeze onto the site
At this stage the delivery driver got concerned about clearance, overhanging branches, and whether the bus would follow him through the outer and inner gates.
So the wavers swung into action with the green tractor, driven by John Allan. Who knew that having a freshly minted Sailplane Pilots Licence (SPL) included skills as a bus recovery operator?
DGS members have waited over forty years for a bus to arrive at the DGS bus stop. They look pleased don't they?
When the going gets tough for the bus transporter you can rely on the mighty DGS Green Tractor to step up to the plate
Negotiating the entrance
And here it comes. Gently does it through the gates.
The delivery driver, who steered the bus confers with John Allan about the next manoeuvre to get the bus on to the hard standing by the club house.
On to the hangar apron. Its already attracting attention of DGS rubberneckers.
Up off the apron. Neal follows with an emergency chock, ready if needed.
Chocked and stopped on the hard standing. Ready for the conversion work to begin.
The Wavers check it out
Zack's Shack has arrived!
Zack's Shack has arrived thanks to his initiative and the generosity of Plymouth City Bus. His funds can be used to convert the bus in to a launch point. Now work can start; a tower, solar power and power outlets, seating, a briefing area, parachute storage, and much more. It will be painted green like the east end launch bus to blend in with the surroundings of the national park.
What a day; flying, completing FGR's annual inspection, and the GREAT REVEAL. Not bad for the last flying day in January.
Gavin Short
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