Dartmoor Gliding News – Sunday 21st October 2013

It was most unfortunate (but wisely decided) to cancel the Scouts from Plympton who were booked today, but as our photo shows it would been a fool’s errand. 

Why we didn’t fly today
Instead we concentrated our efforts on briefings, taking exams (see photo of Jerry selecting the right colour for one of his Bronze ‘C’ answers)  and generally improving our knowledge of aerotowing, ridge flying, ridge running (we know the difference between the two...) and how we might explore these, both from a pilot’s point of view and actually going to sites where we can do so.

Jerry Wellington selects a colour from the Kids Colouring box to answer a question in the (multiple-choice) Bronze C exam...
 One of us attached a new yaw string to the K-8 canopy and another of us (thanks, Tony) moved the ‘Visitors Wait Here’ sign to a position adjacent to the clubhouse in order to address safety concerns discussed at Saturday’s committee meeting.

In the afternoon we worked up a huge appetite by hiking as far as the trailer park to survey how we are going to cope with the surplus of demand over available space.  No solutions were immediately obvious (greater intellect required than the Sunday crew could muster) so in the face of failure we retired to the clubhouse, safe in the knowledge that our final glide would place us within reach of Dave Parker’s chocolate and walnut cake (well, either undershoot or overshoot would have been acceptable) and as the clouds continued to scud over the clubhouse we decided to turn for home.
The Trailer Parking dilemma: solutions on a postcard, please
But not before ageing rock star (and sound wizard) Colin Boyd let slip that he is a an avid collector of a variety of technical and scientific items, including grease guns (lack of space precludes...)

Ageing Rock Star Colin Boyd (has a story to tell)
Martin Cropper

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