Dartmoor Gliding News-Wednesday 16th June 2021

Day three of the soaring week was greeted with low cloud over the airfield, but the forecast said this would clear late morning, so it was a leisurely start to the day getting things ready. It would be a day when the DGS pixies appeared throughout the day.

Whilst carrying out the daily inspection of the K13 the rear wheel was found to have a puncture. This was when the first pixie appeared.

Pixie 1 working on the rear wheel of DMX
Whilst this was being done another two pixies were seen at the workbench fixing spare wheels for the aircraft.

Pixies repairing wheels.
Another pixie arrived at the airfield in his green chariot.

Pixie 4 with his green chariot
By now the cloudbase had risen enough for two optimistic Twin Astir syndicate members (Ged Nevisky and Robin Wilson) to take a launch to see if it was flyable. After a 1200ft launch the club K13 and K8 were towed to the launch point. John Allen and John Smith both flew with me. John Allen flew good circuits and another launch failure. John Smith had a soaring flight where we revisited spinning to take advantage of the 2400ft cloudbase. He also flew a good launch failure practice. Well done John and John.

John Smith climbing well.
To lighten my load Steve Lewis agreed to fly with Paddy Cosgrave and Simon Vallance to do some upper air work practicing turning and trimming. This enabled me to take a well earned break and fly the K8 for a 39 minute soaring flight.

My view of the launch point with Twin Astir waiting and K13 being retrieved.
Malcolm Wilton-Jones had a flight of 30 minutes in the K8, But Gavin Short took flight of the day with a flight of 43 minutes.

Gavin soaring in the K8
During lunch two more pixies were seen sitting outside the bus enjoying the sun and lunch.

Pixies picnicking beside the bus.
The final flights of the day were Hugh Gascoyne flying with me to get some last minute practice for tomorrows IFP training.

The chairman was seen in the hangar sporting the latest gliding accessory.

Latest must have gliding accessory.
Thank you to those who organised easing my workload for today. It was much appreciated, you know who you are. Thanks also to everybody who helped around the airfield to keep things running smoothly.

Peter Howarth

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