Dartmoor Gliding News-Friday 18th June 2021

 Unfortunately it wasn’t possible to fly today: despite a clear blue sky and beaming sunshine (hence the team had all the equipment out early ready to go) the wind was, in equal parts: too crossed, too strong and too gusty.  

 A launch point devoid of gliders: despite the clear blue sky,
the wind was too crossed and strong
We decided to wait: there was always a chance, as predicted, that it might moderate ‘later’.  By 1:30pm, with updated forecasts to hand, it was clear that any decline in windspeed or gusts was not going to be before 4pm and so we drew stumps.  

That said, the opportunity was taken to get some very useful ground school/work done: Rich Roberts held an al fresco teach-in on Assigned Area Tasks, new member Paddy Cosgrave got those vital briefing boxes ticked off on his training card (he still has his training card from when he flew with us in 2004, but we decided that it may be a little time expired by now), 

 Rich Roberts conducting an AAT briefing for aspiring cross-country pilots.
Scratch cut the grass, Ed Borlase introduced his brother Barney to the delights of the simulator, whilst Gavin Short press ganged Malcolm Wilton-Jones into helping him discover why the air was so rebellious about remaining within the tyre of his Standard Cirrus (new inner tube eventually provided the required ‘containment boundary’). 

So not the triumphant end to the week that some were hoping for or expecting (yesterday’s RASP was predicting 4.5 stars – this morning the ‘4’ had been removed!), which was a shame as, if some kind hearted and (very) deep pocketed soul would procure the land on which we could lay a north-south runway (not very wide), we could have flown today.  Any takers??

Martin Cropper

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