Dartmoor Gliding News - 8th & 9th June 2024 - Women Go Gliding

After much planning and hard work by many club members the "Women Go Gliding" weekend is finally here. The weather looked like it was going to play it's part and stay flyable all weekend. Great.

We had spaces for 48 ladies across the 2 days of the weekend and these were filled. The club was awash with members helping and instructors ready to fly. This allowed the instructors time to introduce their charges to gliding and the aircraft and to discuss the possibilities of learning to fly.

There was somewhat of a carnival atmosphere, almost like a complete weekend party. If this is the atmosphere that the ladies bring them then long may it continue.

The early morning sky.
A parachute briefing
The weekend provided lots of photo opportunities
Lots of interest in the soaring gliders

We owe special thanks to the organisers who have been working on this for a long time, to all the helpers, winch drivers and instructors but also to the club members many of whom gave up their own flying to make this event happen.

For more photos see the Women Go Gliding page on our website.


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