Dartmoor Gliding News - Saturday 22nd June 2024.

The forecast was ok for today. Wind from the west ( straight down the runway ) about 6 knots. No rain. A lot of cloud early on clearing to a classic thermal sky by mid afternoon, RASP forecast showing 3 stars. Perhaps due to the epic flying enjoyed by the members on Wednesday the airfield was a little quiet.

The early sky was uninspiring but it was going to get better
K13s waiting to go
There were 3 trainees for Rick to take care of today, Viktor, Jamie and Val. All are making good progress and today each of them flew their own launches and landings.

Rick and his trainees 
Jamie is well supported by his family
We were pleased to see that Erica Sherratt has returned after her first visit during the Women's Gliding Event to explore learning to fly. Erica enjoyed a  43 minute soaring flight with me  during which she explored the controls, Excellent. start.
Erica sharing a joke about strapping in
Erica flying at a little over 2000ft QFE
And the view to the south
We hosted 2 One Day Courses this week. Alex Myhill flew with Scratch and 90 year young Grahame White flew with me. Grahame flew gliders ( T21 and swallow ) in the 1970's from Lee on Solent but had never really experienced thermal soaring. After re-aquainting himself with the controls in his morning flights, we put this right with a glorious romp around the afternoon sky at the 3000ft cloudbase exploring thermals and running along the cloud streets. Great fun.

Alex and Scratch waiting to launch
Grahame and his wife with me presenting his Certificate
Grahame was well supported by his family
As the day started to improve Phil Hardwick brought his DG300 down to the launch point and promptly disappeared for a day topping 2hour flight.

A surprisingly good day.


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