Dartmoor Gliding News - Wednesday 9th October 2024

A forecast of a NNW wind slowly increasing, a low cloudbase slowly rising and possible heavy showers.

When I set off cloudbase was 5-600’ asl and there were several showers encountered on the way and I was level with cloud coming up through Chillaton. The club gliders were moved out of the hangar to permit some work on a private glider and FGR had its tailplane assembly removed for a 500 flight check.

Colin assisted by Peter giving the k13 tailplane its 500 launch checks     Photo by Mike Jardine
Gliders ready for DI’s Photo by Mike Jardine
The cloudbase appeared to be rising so the club gliders were DI’d and taken to the east end. Just before noon flying commenced with Mike Jardine doing a test flight in FGR following its inspection. With lots of customer’s for the Ka-13s and limited time left the solo pilots helped with winching, cable retrieving and looking after the launch point.

Charlie Benham enjoying the start of his one-day course with Phil Hardwick Photo by Peter Howarth
Neal Oxley waits for his first launch with Mike Jardine Photo by Peter Howarth
John Allan sets off for a likely looking cloud but was soon back on the ground. Photo by Peter Howarth
Gary Hine waits for his first launch with Phil Hardwick. Photo by Peter Howarth
Dave Archer looking for lift whilst avoiding the showers Photo by Mike Jardine
K8 on a modified circuit following a launch failure Photo by Mike Jardine
Showers approaching from the west. Photo by Mike Jardine
Showers passing by on the east. Photo by Mike Jardine
As can be seen showers were approaching from the north-east and cloudbase was lowering so with most having flown we opted to call it a day and fly everything back to the hangar so I prepared the Astir for a hangar flight.

Astir at the back of the queue for hangar flights with a rainbow above the tail. Photo by Malcolm Wilton-Jones
Ka-8 and Astir waiting. Photo by Malcolm Wilton-Jones
Cable being attached for the Ka-8 hangar flight Photo by Malcolm Wilton-Jones
John Smith taking up slack for his hangar flight in the Ka-8 Photo by Malcolm Wilton-Jones

Blog by Malcolm Wilton-Jones

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