Dartmoor Gliding News - Sunday 13th October 2024

Looking out of the window when I woke up I could instantly see the weather wasn’t following the met office sunny forecast. Although overcast, the cloud base was high so an optimistic crew arrived at the airfield. The RASP turned out to be correct with no real chance of meaningful lift under an overcast sky. Our regular Sunday Duty Instructor Peter Howarth was unavailable today, visiting yet more of Plymouth's restaurants, did someone mention there was a rumour of a food blog?

Mike Jardine stepped in to cover and I was the duty IFP. Mike had 6 members requiring instruction, and I had 3 trial flights to deliver.

It was just 4 degrees C with a little wind chill as well but as the day wore on and the wind picked up it just got colder.

Mike and David DI FGR. Lovely sky captured by Ed Borlase.
John Osment was the star of the day, after being put through his paces by Mike he re-solo’d after a 25 year break, well done John. With so few ‘old hands’ on the field the newer members were in at the deep end running the field which they did perfectly. A big thank you to Sean Westrope and Ed Borlase for each doing 4 hours in the winch.  It was great to see Ray Boundy back at the field and helping out and a big thank you to George Purkiss for driving the retrieve and helping out. The conditions were never going to be great for soaring but they were benign, so good for training.

John demonstrating that the magic  touch hasn’t left him.
John clearly looking forward to his solo flight.
John off for his first solo after a 25 year gap.
And off he goes with a wave of the hand!
John still smiling for the rest of the day.
Geoff Cooper, David Osment, Julia Old, Freddie Purkiss and Darren Clark all flew with Mike and made good progress.

Ed chose to fly the K8 and Sean the Astir to keep current. Julia Old managed the longest flight of 12 minutes.

My first trial flight visitor was Annie Howes. I think she enjoyed it judging by the number of times she said amazing and thank you.

Annie Howes ready to be amazed.
My second trial flight was with 13 year old Oscar Ferris who with his brother, had never flown before. Whilst a little nervous at first there were lots of ‘wows’ and smiles in the air.

Oscar being briefed by Steve.
My last Trial flight was 11 year old Seb Ferris, who nervous at first, throughly enjoyed the experience of flying and was still smiling when he left the airfield.

Seb and Steve waiting to launch.
A grey sky, but at least we flew.
28 flights in all on a very cold October day.
Thanks to everyone for turning up and thanks to Mike, Ed and David for the pictures.

Steve Fletcher

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