Dartmoor Gliding News - Saturday 11th May 2024

The weather today saw high pressure in charge with a brisk breeze from the east. Unfortunately, with the best temperature somewhere around 20° there was never going to be enough energy to get good thermals going. The RASP forecast was also flat with about half a "star" at best.

Early Launches
The club fielded  K13 G-CFSD, the Puchacz and the Astir. These were joined by Peter Howarth's Kestrel and Hugh / Mike's Club Libelle.

Visiting us today for a pair of One Day Courses were couple Christopher Sanderson and Cora Xydas who have local relatives but actually live in Munich. Christopher flew with me and Cora flew with Scratch.

Chris and Cora
There was a little wave to be found giving a little lift just east of the runway allowing the early flights to extend a little. From about midday the ground had heated enough to give weak broken thermals. The assembled pilots were up to the task and there were some almost heroic soaring flights. Best of these was Hugh in the Libelle with just over an hour.

Adam ready to fly the Astir CS77
The CS77 on approach
Rick was convinced that we were moving the cone marking the front of the launch queue.
I don't know were he got that idea from
The Puchacz on approach
We were hopeful that as the day cooled off that the wave would set up be this was not to be.

A challenging day but great fun.


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