Dartmoor Gliding News - Wednesday 22 May 2024 - Aston Down Expedition - Day Three

No brief today. No forecast required.

It rained all night and then all day

The morning provided a chance for our resident XK10 expert (John) to test my purchase for the club.  He declared it a lovely vario in nice condition.

An XK10 vario and a PZL vario (Ed: A useful addition to the DGS fleet)

A few late entry photos were submitted from yesterday.

Hugh and the Club Libelle yesterday. A proud man.
A glider pilot is born (Ed: You mean "Two gliders, Sean"?, with suitable acknowledgement to John Prescott)

The promised lecture from Wednesday's Duty Instructor didn't materialise, so to avoid cabin fever, six glider pilots headed to Gloucester to try some go karting.  A good time was had by all (Ed: I hear there was no competitive nature to the afternoon, despite Adam lapping the instructors and achieving a lap time just two seconds short of the establishment's lap record).

Val stylishly dressed, ready to race with the champions

The DGS team (Ed: Who can you recognise?)

Val mixing it with the boys

Glider Pilots; NASA Astronauts, or a bunch of loons from the South West?

Apparently after three 15-minute sessions it was all too much for one of our instructors who had to retire to bed, on return, for a nap (Ed: Well he does get up at a ridiculously early time in the morning so what do you expect?).

Hugh said farewell to us and caravanned it back to Lydford, Devon.

Tonight's culinary extravaganza was a curry cooked by Instructor Sam and the sous chef was our newly qualified Sean.

Silence at last as the expedites concentrate on Sam's chicken curry
The evening was spent reviewing the weather forecasts, none of them agreed, so we would have to wait until the morning.

Gavin Short

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