The Sunday Slumberers would awaken today to re-establish themselves as the Sunday Soarers. After weeks of unflyable weather, today would give a light SSE'ly breeze, cloudbase above 1500ft with a small possibility of lowering during the afternoon. The main task for today was to regain recency for all, so a K13 only would be used launching from the track at the west end and making good use of the track to preserve the field after the prolonged wet spell and recent snow.
Early morning sun. |
After a solo flight for myself, I started on the list of trainees and check flights for those who haven't flown recently. The Sunday Soarers were joined today by Saturday regular Jamie Young. After a quick launch failure practice, Jamie added another solo flight to his collection.
Jamie ready for another solo. |
And safely back again. |
Trainees David Osment, Freddie Purkiss and Geoff Cooper all enjoyed two flights each, All glad to be back flying after the lengthy period of poor weather.
The wise ones waiting their turn. |
The clear visibility provided excellant views over the moors and surrounding area.
Mary Tavy and remnants of snow on the moors. |
The airfield from the east. |
Todays duty BI had no visitors and he took his turn down the winch. He often refers to various encounters on his journeys to the club. Today's encounter was at the club.
Gavin didn't expect to encounter one of these on his journey. |
A pleasant day at the club and all were happy to just be back flying. Thanks to all at the club today.
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