Dartmoor Gliding News - Sunday 7th July 2024

Andy Davey arrived and announced that the afternoon would bring a convergence over the airfield with some good soaring. The weather over the airfield looked like it hadn't read the forecast with low cloud and rain. As the morning progressed with members looking at various forecasts, the weather seemed to be brightening up. We set about getting ready to fly with a K13, Puchacz and Astir taken to the east end launch point.

First flight was duty BI Richard Roberts with me to re-acquaint himself with the Puchacz before our visitors arrived. Our visitors, Tim Woodwards, Pat Sharpe and Geoff Kitchener all enjoyed their flights with Richard with a couple of extended circuits among them.

Tim and Richard settled in the Puchacz.
Pat Sharpe ready to go.
Geoff Kitchener relaxing in the Puchacz.
First to fly with me was Sean Westrope. Sean made progress towards his Bronze flying tests with the CFI later in the summer. David Moorley was next and made good progress refining his skills with his approaches and landings. As mentioned in a previous blog, Julia Old a Silver C pilot returned for a couple of flights. She flew the top part of the launch and most of the circuit on both flights. Although she enjoyed the flights, left to contemplate whether her return to gliding would be her choice of hobby. We hope to see her again.

Julia happy after her flights.
One of our Navy fliers returned for a couple of flights. Matthew Connick flew with Richard including an extended flight of 17 minutes (sorry no picture). Junior Freddie Purkiss was next to fly with me. A 30 minute soaring flight with a visit over Tavistock (the furthest he  has flown from Brentor) and two approaches and landings sees him progressing well. He also flew the top part of the launch.

Freddie climbing well.
Andy Davey came to the launch point and launched at 2 O'clock. Yes he did get away and flew for 3 hours 12 minutes in the convergence that did develop as he predicted.

Andy's view of the convergence.
Steve Fletcher and Phil Hardwick also enjoyed half hour flights in the Astir enjoying the convergence.

Steve's view over Tavistock towards Plymouth.
After his earlier successful flights, Sean was given the chance to convert to the Astir. After a suitable briefing by both Phil and myself he enjoyed a 10 minute flight.

Sean ready for his conversion flight.
With all having flown Steve Fletcher decided to hangar fly the Puchacz with George Purkiss as passenger. I decided to hangar fly the K13 with Dave Moorley as passenger. We both had enjoyable flights in the convergence with some good climbs, sometimes together.

The Puchacz below.
A little closer together.
George Purkiss and Steve.
Winch driver view of the convergence.
Some good flying after a rather slow start and yes we should listen to Andy's predictions. Thank you to all at the club and all left happy with the days flying.

Peter Howarth

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