Dartmoor Gliding News - Wednesday 3 July 2024

Whichever way you sliced it the forecasts predicted low cloud and rain, and that's what we got. 

Not much chance of flying today.  Brentor church isn't visible in the murk.

So Hugh cancelled our six trial flight candidates but one still wanted to come and see us, all the way from Penzance. Julia Old had been a glider pilot with a Silver C, albeit some 30 years ago. She had a good tour of the site and the facilities with me. She was fascinated by the changes in gliding; training, safety, instruments, Flarm, and high-powered winches. She commented favourably on the condition and cleanliness of the club gliders in the hangar.  It certainly wetted her appetite and we made arrangements for her to fly with us in the near future to see if she wanted to take up our sport again.

Rob Cartlige joined trainees Neal and Lorraine, following his One Day Course last Wednesday with me. So initially, tea was the order of the day in clubhouse. Discussions and explanations on how the trim worked in a glider were followed by practical demonstrations in the hangar. 

Extensive use of the simulator was made by all three trainees with various club members in the rear seat.  Mike Jardine, the Duty Instructor, after finishing his early lunch of course, gave a lecture on circuit planning. I brought all the glider log books up-to-date with June's flight hours and number of launches.

In the workshop the space frame of K-13, CCY received some work and paint. Meanwhile, Colin led a team in the hangar that removed the tail planes from the Puchacz and set about improving the trim tab operation. More work will follow on Friday. 

Despite the rain there was activity out on the airfield as Scratch continued to mow the grass whilst channeling his inner Gene Kelly with "I'm mowing in the rain". Also Mike Bennett and Hugh were fettling their Libelle instrument panel and fitting an Oudie.  Consequently their glider fuselage received several rain rinses and subsequent cleaning with the drying cloths.

That's all very well and good but I know our readers want photos of flying. Well on Saturday evening, after receiving a very excited phone call from Yorkshire, I was sent a set.  During the dark, damp days of winter, and then spring, club members made a huge effort and prepared one of our single-seaters for sale, namely the SF-27A, FLZ.  It was bought by Belle Tyler, a 16-yro pilot who flies with Derbyshire and Lancashire Gliding Club.  After several months of patient preparation and waiting Belle was cleared to fly FLZ.

FLZ getting checked out in the Derbyshire and Lancashire Gliding Club workshop
But whilst waiting work had been carried out in the club's workshops fitting a Swiss Flarm, a panel mounted radio,  a boom mic, an improved seat pan, and tailored safety cushions.  I am sure that there was more fettling carried out by Belle when the workshop staff weren't looking.

Work also included the careful removal of the DGS logo stickers
And another DGS logo sticker to be removed, this time from the fin.  The all-flying tail planes are in their cradles in the workshop corner
The big day came and Belle was cleared to fly FLZ. She made six flights for a total of well over an hour's flight time. Here are some photos and videos of a very delighted Belle. 

Belle carries out her preflight checks. A Swiss Flarm and a boom mic for the radio are in place.
She reports that she didn't find the all-flying tail a problem and she appreciated the light and responsive controls.

Hurry up with the photos. I want to get going!
"The SF-27A is beautiful glider".

 "Yes it's great.  It's a fab little thing to fly".

 So members should feel proud of their hard work and that we have passed on the love (of gliding) to the next generation.

"I love it!  Thank you Dartmoor Gliding Society for all your help".
When I showed the photos to members in the clubhouse there were a few nostalgic faces as they fondly recalled their flights in FLZ.

"That's all folks" but the forecast looks better for Saturday so "tune in then".

Gavin Short

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