Dartmoor Gliding News - Wednesday 24th July 2024

The nearer we got to Wednesday the worse the forecast got. RASP still gave 2 stars at times on Wednesday morning but all the forecasts gave rain coming between 3 and 4pm.

Arriving at the airfield at 0800 the cloud was very low and not looking like rising to circuit height anytime soon. As the trial flight visitors phoned in I had to tell them that things weren’t looking great and to phone again later. Unfortunately the weather didn’t improve enough to give people a decent flight and with a heavy heart I had to cancel all the trial flights.

Low cloud all around.
Finding the gaps between the low cloud
The cloud base crept up to circuit height at around 11.00 and so a K13 was taken to the launch point in the hope of doing some training. With a short window of opportunity of having some flying Mike Jardine flew Jamie Young, Geoff Cooper (a new joiner), David Moorley, Zack Smith (another new member) and Neal Oxley.

Dave Moorley preparing for blind flying?
Me briefing new member Geoff Cooper.
New member Zack Smith eagerly awaiting his flight with Mike.
Myself, John Allan, Peter Howarth and Dave Archer decided to get the K8 out and fly that. The rain arrived at 1523 and so we packed up. All 19 flights were short, the average being 4 mins and 26 seconds! Peter Howarth managed 8 mins for the flight of the day.

John Allen landing on the stub from the North.
Meanwhile Colin and John Smith continued their excellent work on CCY. A big thank you to Andy Davey and Phil Hardwick for doing the bulk of the winching but not flying.

Colin and John working on CCY, getting high on the glue!
At least we flew.

Steve Fletcher

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